Well weekend number 1 in the city was pretty eventful! With anywhere from 10-24 inches on the way number 2 is looking to be better tho! Peep some photos and look for edits to pop up soon.
We fit right in at Navy Pier with everybody and their peacoat!
and you thought the Banshee Bungee was next level shit!
New Spot in Chicago.
Matt Thomen of Shred Shop was nice enough to feed us Friday night and come to a spot!
Benny gett'n Tuned up!
Dooooooood. Did you see Averitt?
Thank god he is a dental assistant!
He made a guest appearance visiting averitt at the Hospital!
Benny went in and pulled some paparazzi shit and got the shot. Doctor was stoked to stitch up averitts gash in his lip.
Hard to tell in the photo but Mike bit straigh threw his lip and was spilling everything he drank on to his shirt. Priceless.
I made the mistake of calling Ruth a cancer patiet in the hospital. Needless to stay we were asked to leave immediatly. End of the weekend. Well try to top it this weekend.
Scott, You look like CHRISTOPHER REEVES in that picture.
and in case you don't know who that is...